Call to Order / Invocation / Pledge of Allegiance - Will Tate, Chairman
Adopt Agenda - Will Tate, Chairman
Swearing-In Ceremony - Kirk Raffield, Mayor
Approve Minutes - Will Tate, Chairman
Item #1 discuss a request by applicant Sean McNeal on behalf of Land Frat LLC, the owner of approximately 313.5 acres zoned C-2 General Commercial located at 3640 Highway 515 North (Parcel 031 003) for a variance from the City of Jasper Zoning Ordinance Sec. 94-51(b) to allow an accessory structure on a property that lacks an occupied principal primary building. The proposed accessory structure will include restroom and shower facilities for on-site property caretakers utilizing a well and septic tank per Environmental Health.
Elizabeth Brundige, Planner
Adjourn - Will Tate, Chairman