Pickens County Planning Commission

Pickens County Planning Commission

DATE  Monday, August 12, 2024


Pickens County Administrative Building
1266 E. Church Street
Jasper, GA 30143
Pickens Room (downstairs)

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Notice is hereby given of a public hearing to be held on the 12th day of August 2024 at 6:00 p.m. in the Pickens Room located at the Pickens County Administration Building, 1266 East Church Street, Jasper, Georgia, before the Planning Commission of Pickens County, Georgia.

The purpose of the hearing is to discuss:

1. A request from Sean Catlett to rezone a 10-acre parcel, known as #054 097 001, located on Hawthorne Hill Road from Agriculture (AG) to Small Agriculture (SA). The purpose of this request is to split the parcel into two 5-acre lots for the development of two residential dwellings.

2. A request from Affordable Investments, LLC to rezone a 27.76-acre parcel, known as #058 044 001, located on Henderson Mountain Road from Agriculture (AG) to Small Agriculture (SA). The purpose of this request is to split the parcel into five buildable, mini-farm lots.

3. A request from Marcelle Bozeman to rezone a 5.9-acre parcel, known as #068 082 003, located at 1707 Four Mile Church Road from Agriculture (AG) to Rural Residential (RR). The purpose of this request is to split a 2.5-acre portion to sell.

4. A request from Jennifer Green to obtain a Conditional Use Permit for a kennel on a 2-acre parcel, known as #028 022 001, located at 1828 Four Mile Church Road. The purpose of this request is to be able to continue operating the existing pet grooming, day care, and boarding business.

The recommendation of the Planning Commission will be brought before the Board of Commissioners on September 16th, 2024, at 5:30 p.m.




Notice is hereby given of a public hearing to be held on the 19th day of August 2024 at 5:30 p.m. in the Commission Conference Room, Suite 168, located at the Pickens County Administration Building, 1266 East Church Street, Jasper, Georgia, before the Pickens County Board of Commissioners.

The purpose of the hearing is to discuss a request from Brian Armour on behalf of 1893, LLC to rezone a 92.51-acre parcel, known as parcel #018 001, located on Swan Bridge Road from Urban Residential (UR) to Estate Residential (ER). The purpose of this request is to have a lower density for housing.

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