[ March 06, 2017 ] I. Call meeting to order
II. Invocation
III. Pledge of Allegiance
IV. Adopt agenda
V. Read minutes of February 6, 2017 regular meeting
A. Lisa Hoyle
VI. Old Business
A. Marble Hill well
1. David Hall
B. Speed breakers on Ridgeway
1. Lonnie Waters
VII. New Business
A. Group health insurance
1. Matt Bidwell
B. Resolution ? Premium Only Cafeteria Plan
1. Matt Bidwell
2. Lisa Hoyle
C. Downtown Alliance
1. Jack Dunn
D. Pickens Arts & Cultural Alliance
1. Larry Wilson
E. Model pump test ? Calhoun water
1. David Hall
F. Purchase pump motors ? Cove
1. David Hall
G. Probation services agreement
1. Mayor Weaver
H. Equipment/Vehicle purchases
1. David Buchanan
VIII. Mayor?s Report
A. Economic Development Report
1. Gerry Nechvatal
B. Finance Report
1. Lisa Hoyle
C. Animal Control Report
1. Lonnie Waters
D. Police Report
1. Chief Greg Lovell
E. Fire Report
1. Chief Steve Roper
IX. Adjourn