[ January 09, 2017 ] AGENDA
I. Call meeting to order
II. Invocation
III. Pledge of Allegiance
IV. Adopt agenda
V. Read minutes of December 5, 2016 regular meeting
A. Lisa Hoyle
VI. Old Business
A. None
VII. New Business
A. Appointment of City Manager
1. Councilmember Jim Looney
B. Election of Mayor Pro Tem
1. Mayor Weaver
C. Review & Approval of Annual Position Appointments
1. Mayor Weaver
D. Alcohol License Renewal
1. Sonny Underwood, Planning and Zoning Director
E. Establishment of Qualifying Fees for Election
1. Lisa Hoyle
VIII. Mayor?s Report
A. Economic Development Report
1. Gerry Nechvatal
B. Finance Report
1. Lisa Hoyle
C. Animal Control Report
1. Lonnie Waters
D. Police Report
1. Chief Greg Lovell
E. Fire Report
1. Chief Steve Roper
IX. Adjourn