[ August 06, 2018 ] AGENDA
I. Call meeting to order
II. Invocation
III. Pledge of Allegiance
IV. Adopt agenda
V. Read minutes of July 2, 2018 regular meeting
A. Lisa Hoyle
VI. Old Business
A. None
VII. New Business
A. Marble festival event
1. Krista Kelly, Jasper Merchant?s Association
B. JeepFest Show & Shine
1. Jim Looney, City Manager
C. Alcohol license application request for continuation ? Jasper Enterprises, Inc.
1. Sonny Underwood, Director of Planning and Zoning
D. Reduced rate water/sewer applications
1. Lisa Hoyle
VIII. Executive session (at the request of Councilmember Sonny Proctor regarding legal/personnel)
A. Legal/Personnel discussion
1. Councilmember Sonny Proctor
IX. Mayor?s Report
A. Finance Report
1. Lisa Hoyle
B. Roads/Other Report
1. Lonnie Waters
C. Police Report
1. Chief Greg Lovell
D. Fire Report
1. Chief Steve Roper
X. Adjourn
Two work sessions were held prior to the meeting:
July 26, 2018
August 2, 2018