[ September 05, 2018 ] AGENDA
I. Call meeting to order
II. Invocation
III. Pledge of Allegiance
IV. Adopt agenda
V. Read minutes of August 6th, 2018 regular meeting
A. Lisa Hoyle
VI. Old Business
A. Richards Street property donation
1. Jim Looney
B. Alcohol license approval ? Jasper Enterprises, Inc.
1. Sonny Underwood
VII. New Business
A. Wingzology alcohol sales outdoors approval
1. Carlo Delpizzo
B. Pickens County Hazard Mitigation Plan Resolution/Approval
1. Katy Westbrook
2. John Nicholson
C. Waterline to Pickens Co. Water Treatment Plant at Grandview Lake approval
1. David Hall
2. Jim Looney
D. Watershed Protection Plan approval
1. David Hall
2. Jim Looney
E. No left turn sign at Mark Whitfield and 53 approval
1. Jim Looney
F. Garbage service proposals
1. Jim Looney
G. Blight ordinance committee formation
1. Jim Looney
H. Metal building ordinance committee formation
1. Jim Looney
I. Dog park/run approval
1. Jim Looney
J. Pet ordinance ? first reading
1. Jim Looney
K. Ralph Hicks Circle ? request city take ownership
1. Jim Looney
L. Millage Rate advertisement approval
1. Lisa Hoyle
VIII. Mayor?s Report
A. Finance Report
1. Lisa Hoyle
B. Roads/Other Report
1. Lonnie Waters
C. Police Report
1. Chief Greg Lovell
D. Fire Report
1. Chief Steve Roper
IX. Adjourn