Board of Education Seeks Public and Employee Opinion on Superintendent Search

by Destini Shope, Director of Community Engagement and Public Relations | Pickens County School Distric

Board of Education Seeks Public and Employee Opinion on Superintendent Search

[ January 07, 2020 ] As the search for the next Superintendent moves forward, the Pickens County Board of Education is asking community members and system employees for their opinions on selecting the next Superintendent. The vacancy has been advertised across the state and nation, and several applications of qualified applicants have already been received. The vacancy announcement has been mailed to all school districts in Georgia, posted on the website of Pickens County Schools, the Georgia School Board Association, the Georgia School Superintendents Association, and the search firm.

The Board has created an electronic survey for both employees and community members and is asking each group to rate the importance of skills and qualities that are most desirable in the next Superintendent. The community survey link is here and is also posted on the district website,, and the employee survey has been sent by email to all staff members. The survey is available for approximately three weeks.

It is the Board?s desire that all interested community members and all employees respond to the survey. Survey results will be tabulated by the search firm and reported to the public. It is important to note that all survey responses are totally anonymous. As the search progresses, the Board will use survey results to determine who to interview and who to employ.

The Board has established a tentative timeline which includes accepting applications until a deadline of February 28, 2020. The Board believes that the employment of Dr. Charles Webb as Interim Superintendent will allow a slower and more deliberate schedule for each step of the search and will produce the best possible outcome.

During the next three weeks, the Board will survey community members and school system employees to establish a profile by which applications will be evaluated. The search plan includes several board meetings to review survey results, review applications received, and prepare for the interview process. It is the Board?s desire to conduct a thorough search process that involves the community and employees while maintaining the necessary confidentiality of applicants until there is public release of finalists as specified by state statute.

The Board anticipates conducting first round interviews in March with second round interviews to be conducted shortly thereafter. The Board chose to not establish a fixed number of interviews to conduct until the applicant pool is reviewed. While the timeline is flexible, the Board hopes to announce one, two, or three finalists for the position sometime in April and to make the final selection and complete the process in later April or early May.

The search firm, King-Cooper and Associates, will receive and process all applications, research all applicants for the Board, handle all communications with applicants, and present all information on all applicants for the Board?s consideration. ?We handle the details of the search and provide the best possible information for the Board to make a good decision, but we don?t tell the Board who to hire,? stated Dr. Sandy Addis, lead facilitator of the search. ?Our job is to secure a strong pool of applicants and to assist the Board as they work to select the very best Superintendent for Pickens County,? Addis said.

Based on early interest, the Board?s planning, and the track record of the search firm, a large number of applicants from across Georgia and from other states and from a variety of leadership roles is expected. Frank King, Senior Partner of King-Cooper and Associates stated, ?There will be strong interest in this position because of the positive reputation of the school system and the community. Pickens County is one of Georgia?s most desirable and attractive school systems.?

Click here for the survey for the community

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