Highland Rivers celebrates 2020 Year of Recovery

by Melanie Dallas, LPC

Highland Rivers celebrates 2020 Year of Recovery

[ January 20, 2020 ] If you?ve been a regular reader of my columns over the past three years, you?ve likely noticed I frequently write about recovery. Of course recovery has been a focus of columns I?ve written in recognition of National Mental Health Awareness Month in May and National Recovery Month in September. But I?ve also written about recovery in the context of columns about Highland Rivers programs and services.

This is because Highland Rivers takes a very broad perspective on recovery. While many people understand recovery in the context of substance use and addiction, recovery also applies to individuals living with mental illness, and even with disabilities.

The fact is, recovery is the goal of everything Highland Rivers does. And with that perspective, programs such as veterans? PTSD groups, supportive housing, supported employment, peer groups, vocational training and crisis stabilization, among others, are as much a part of recovery as substance use services such as Women?s Outreach and addictive disease support services.

To help demonstrate this broad perspective on recovery, Highland Rivers Health will be celebrating 2020 as The Year of Recovery. While this may sound like a national observance, it is not. Rather, Highland Rivers? commitment to recovery is so strong that our internal Recovery-focused Transformation team has initiated this year-long celebration just for our agency ? and, more important, for the individuals who have chosen Highland Rivers as their partner on their personal recovery journey.

Throughout the year, visitors to our clinics will notice signage with our 2020 Year of Recovery logo, and have the opportunity to learn about and share their own perspectives on recovery. You may also notice staff wearing jeans some days ? which will be part of a year-long fundraiser for the Highland Rivers Foundation (staff will pay $1 to wear jeans and receive a sticker that says ?Recovery?it?s in our jeans?).

We will not only focus on national health observances, but also on different aspects of recovery that are meaningful. After spending the month of January to kick-off the celebration, our Year of Recovery calendar will have a theme each month:

? February ? random acts of kindness, including Random Acts of Kindness Day, February 17

? March ? National Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month; Social Work Month

? April ? Alcohol Awareness Month; Stress Awareness Month

? May ? Mental Health Awareness Month; National Nurses Week, May 6-12

? June ? PTSD Awareness Month, including PTSD Awareness Day, June 27

? July ? Minority Mental Health Awareness Month

? August ? Back-to-school, focus on child and adolescent mental health

? September ? National Recovery Month; World Suicide Prevention Day, September 10; National Addictions Professionals Day, September 20

? October ? National Disability Employment Awareness Month; Red Ribbon Week, October 23-31

? November ? National Family Caregivers Month, and focus on seasonal affective disorder

? December ? 2020 Year of Recovery in review

As a reminder of this broad perspective, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration defines recovery as a process of change through which individuals improve their health and wellness, live a self-directed life, and strive to reach their full potential ? a definition that does not speak to any specific type of illness or condition.

Not only is this process driven by the individual seeking recovery, but as the Georgia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities notes, recovery is nurtured by hope, empowerment, choices and opportunities.

Ultimately, recovery means being able to live a healthy, self-directed life in which one?s illness ? whether mental illness, a substance use disorder, or a disability ? does not interfere with day-to-day living in the community as independently as possible.

As always, I want to wish everyone reading this a happy and healthy News Year. Highland Rivers looks forward to celebrating recovery throughout 2020. We hope you will continue to support recovery in your community, and most important, the individuals in every community who are living their recovery every day.

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