Jasper City Council March 2020

Jasper City Council March 2020
Council is working with Wayne Reece on the rezone of 26 Hickory Street from R-1 to R-3
Jasper City Council March 2020

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Jasper City Council March 2020

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[ March 02, 2020 ] AGENDA

I. Call meeting to order
II. Invocation
III. Pledge of Allegiance
IV. Adopt agenda
V. Approve minutes of February 3, 2020 Regular Council Meeting
VI. Old Business
A. Request for Special Event on Main Street ? Car Shows
1. Donnie Fowler
2. Council member Sneve
B. Consideration and approval of Prosecuting Attorney Ordinance No. 2020-04
1. Attorney David Syfan
C. Consideration and approval of Public Defender Ordinance No. 2020-05
1. Attorney David Syfan
D. Consideration and approval of Municipal Court Ordinance No. 2020-06
1. Attorney David Syfan
E. Alcohol Application ? Consideration and approval of Teek 2 LLC, 585 East Church Street (BP)
1. Brandon Douglas
F. Alcohol Application ? TABLE Consideration and approval of Texas Grill, LLC; 660 West Church Street
1. Brandon Douglas
VII. New Business
A. Consideration of Ordinance No. 2020-07 for requesting to rezone Parcel No. JA11023 at 26 Hickory Street from R-1 to R-3 TABLED
1. Brandon Douglas
2. Lonnie Waters
B. Consideration of Ordinance No. 2020-08 for requesting to rezone Parcel No. 031 003.002 at 1874 Hobson Road from C-2 to R-1 APPROVED
1. Brandon Douglas
2. Lonnie Waters
C. Consideration of Ordinance No. 2020-09 for requesting to rezone and annex Parcel No. JA02038 at 1343 Talking Rock Road from R-R in the County to C-2 APPROVED
1. Brandon Douglas
2. Lonnie Waters
D. Consideration of Ordinance No. 2020-10 for City of Jasper Zoning Ordinance amendment/Zoning Map approval
1. Brandon Douglas
2. Lonnie Waters
E. Consideration and approval for additional water line for Grandview Project
1. Brandon Douglas
2. David Hall
F. Consideration and approval of updated Gateway Site Plan
1. Brandon Douglas
2. Lonnie Waters
G. Alcohol Application ? Approval to advertise for Folksy Ventures LLC dba Waldmet Cellars at 916 Old Philadelphia Road
1. Brandon Douglas
H. Consideration and approval of Statewide Mutual Aid and Assistance Agreement between the City of Jasper and the Georgia Emergency Management Agency (GEMA) and to authorize Mayor or City Manager to execute agreement upon final approval from City Attorney.
1. Lonnie Waters
2. Brandon Douglas
VIII. Executive Session ? Legal
1. David Syfan
2. Brandon Douglas
IX. Committee Reports
A. Development Committee
1. Councilmembers Dr. Sonny Proctor & Kirk Raffield
B. Street/Parks Committee
1. Councilmembers Ann Sneve & John Foust
C. Administration Committee
1. Councilmembers Jim Looney & Ann Sneve
D. Water/Waste Water Committee
1. Councilmembers John Foust & Dr. Sonny Proctor
E. Police/Fire Committee
1. Councilmembers Kirk Raffield & Jim Looney
F. Financial Report
1. Brandon Douglas
G. Development Report
1. Lonnie Waters
H. Police Report
1. Chief Greg Lovell
I. Fire Report
1. Chief Steve Roper
X. Adjourn

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