Pickens County Students Last Day is May 8th | Board Meeting Video

by Destini Shope, Director of Community Engagement and Public Relations | Pickens County School Distric

Pickens County Students Last Day is May 8th | Board Meeting Video

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Pickens County Students Last Day is May 8th | Board Meeting Video

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[ April 16, 2020 ] The Pickens Board of Education live streamed tonight's regular meeting on YouTube. At the conclusion, the following letter was released:

Dear Pickens County School District Families,

We would like to begin by saying thank you for your support of our schools and for doing your part to stop the spread of COVID-19. We are blessed with great community support and appreciate the service of those on the front lines to help keep our community safe. We are grateful that you continue to work with your children on a daily basis so that they may continue growing and learning.

Our teachers and school leaders continue to work hard to provide lessons that are engaging and meaningful. We are mindful of the additional stresses placed on our students? families during this time. Moving forward, there will be adjustments to our distance learning plan that we hope will help and those items are outlined in the following sections.

This evening, our Board of Education voted to continue distance learning through Friday, May 8, 2020. The change in the last day of school only applies to students; teachers and staff will continue working through post-planning as originally announced at the beginning of the school year.

Effective April 20, instruction will take place Monday through Thursday, and Friday will serve as a day for alternate learning experiences such as reading for pleasure, helping prepare meals at home, and finishing incomplete assignments. Friday?s will also be a day teachers may schedule meetings or conferences to discuss student progress.

While we have outlined assignments, grading, and promotion, the most important aspect for us to address during this time is the emotional well-being of our students, families, and staff. School counselors are available to assist whenever there is a need. We also have two district social workers who have numerous resources to share. Never hesitate to reach out if you have a question or need.

Our School Nutrition and Transportation personnel will continue to provide meals for children on Mondays and Thursdays, with meal services concluding Thursday, May 21, 2020.


? Reading and Math ? no more than two assignments per week, in each subject area, with a mix of review skills
? Reading and Math ? teachers will have small group or one-on-one conferences at least one time each week
? Examples of ways teachers may present lessons include choice boards, workbooks, or Google Classroom for students with internet access.

? Kindergarten and grades 1 and 2 Science and Social Students: Pass or Fail grade earned
? Grades 1 ? 4 Reading and Math, numerical grades will be earned
? Grades 3 ? 4 Science and Social Studies, numerical grades will be earned
? No final grade will be lower than the student?s grade as of March 13

? Students will be promoted to the next grade level unless a parent supports the student being retained


? Assignments will be scaled back as the year progresses

? All courses will issue numerical grades
? No final grade will be lower than the student?s grade as of March 13
No final grade will be lower than the student?s grade as of March 13

? Students in grades 5 ? 8 will be promoted to the next grade level unless a parent supports the student being retained
? High school students must earn needed credits in order to continue to the next grade level
? Students who attend DOVA will follow the Georgia Virtual School (GAVS) end of semester guidelines

We have a majority of students working online throughout the district. We want to continue to make sure students have the tools they need. Please contact your child?s teacher or school principal if a device is needed.

As we transition to the final three weeks of school, let us continue to work together and persevere to the end so that we can finish the year Dragon strong!



I. Call to Order
II. Invocation
III. Pledge of Allegiance
IV. Approval of Agenda
V. Superintendent Reports
A. Financial Update (Amy Smith, Chief Financial Of cer)
B. Online Instruction Participation Update (Tony Young, Assistant Superintendent)
C. Operations and Construction (Stacy Gilleland, Chief Operations Of cer)
D. Academic Adjustments and Student Grades (Jill Liberatore, Chief Academic Of cer)
E. Employee Background Checks Modi cation (Chris Parker, Temporary Director of Human Resources)
F. DOVA Proposal (Chris Wallace, Principal of Pickens High School)
G. Other (Dr. Charles Webb, Interim Superintendent)
VI. Action Items
A. Approval of Personnel
B. Approval for FY20 Budget Amendment
C. Approval of Guaranteed Maximum Pricing for Phase II-B of Pickens Junior High School Renovation
D. Post-Authorization (Public Health Items)
E. Graduation Requirement Waiver (Policy IHF)
F. Approval of Minutes
VII. Board Comments
VIII. Adjourn

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