Jasper City Council Called Meeting | Finance Director / City Clerk Appointed

Jasper City Council Called Meeting | Finance Director / City Clerk Appointed

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Jasper City Council Called Meeting | Finance Director / City Clerk Appointed

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[ June 25, 2020 ] During the City of Jasper Work Session / Special Called Meeting on Thursday, June 25th, Beverly Ragland was appointed as the Finance Director/City Clerk for the City of Jasper.

Beverly received her undergraduate degree in Accounting from the University of West Georgia and is scheduled to receive her MBA from Columbia Southern University at the end of 2020. She is a native of Carrollton, Georgia and currently resides in Dallas, Georgia.

Prior to Jasper, Beverly spent thirteen years in the Assistant Finance Director role for both Rome and Acworth. She has two sons. Leath is a student at the University of Georgia and Liam is a student at the University of West Georgia. She enjoys traveling, cooking, farming and volunteering. She feels honored to have spent the last 25 years in State and Local government and enjoys her career in public service.


AGENDA (Meeting held via ZOOM)

I. Call meeting to order
II. Invocation
III. Pledge of Allegiance
IV. Adopt agenda
V. Old Business
A. None
VI. New Business
A. Discussion of 2020 Budget Amendments
1. Brandon Douglas
2. Lindsey Williams
B. Discussion of Debt/Bond Refunding (GEFA loans)
1. Brandon Douglas
2. David Syfan
C. Consideration and Approval of 7 GEFA Deferral Modification(s) Promissory Notes
1. David Syfan
2. Brandon Douglas
D. Consideration and Approval of Legal Services Agreement ? Bond Counsel & City Attorney
1. David Syfan
2. Brandon Douglas
E. Consideration and Approval of Resolution No. 2020-03 as it pertains to the reimbursement of the City of Jasper in regards to the capital expenditures with the design, construction, and installation of the Waste Water Treatment Plant expansion and related improvements with the USDA Loan/Grant.
1. David Syfan
2. Brandon Douglas
VII. Executive Session ? Personnel/Legal (via telephone conference)
1. David Syfan
VIII. Adjourn

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