Jim Looney Seeks Reelection to Jasper City Council

by Jim Looney

Jim Looney Seeks Reelection to Jasper City Council

[ October 16, 2023 ] Today, I am announcing that on August 21st I qualified to run for reelection to the Jasper City Council. I am offering myself for office with the intent to continue efforts to make Jasper, Georgia the best city in which to live and work. I appreciate that I live in a community that offers all the positive opportunities that we have in Jasper.

The last four years have brought positive change. The simple action of having evening events in the downtown business district and closing a portion of Stegall Drive to allow outdoor dining was the beginning of developers and businesses filling empty buildings with activity. Downtown restrooms have been designed and will be completed next year. I am proud that the downtown area is busy and a great place for families.

Jasper City Employees have been a priority for this city council. Job descriptions have been developed, employees have regular performance evaluations and salary scales have been established. Employees have received salary increases and benefits have been improved. I am proud of the City's employees. We recruit employees with the education and experience necessary to be successful. Everyone needs to take any opportunity to thank them for their work.

I began serving as a Jasper City Council member after years of community involvement as President of the Pickens County Chamber of Commerce, member of the Charter Leadership Pickens Class, member of several Pickens County Authorities, Chairman of the Jasper Planning and Zoning Board, member of the Family Connections Collaborative and have been active with many other groups. I have been an involved member of this community since moving here in 1984. Jasper City Council decisions must be made by members who understand, and are active, in our community.

I want to further my work in the community alongside the Mayor/Council, community leaders and all elected officials to "make our great community even greater." There are many areas for positive community influence, but I want to suggest three areas that need our continued support...

• Continue improvements to the Downtown Business District to attract developers and businesses.
• Continued support of our Public Safety personnel will help make Jasper safer for our citizens and potentially reduce insurance rates.
• Continuing to explore sources of water for the city.

I invite you, the citizens of Jasper, to cast your ballot for me in the November City Election so that we can "make our great community even greater" by working together as a positive community.

Together we can!!!

Events to Know

Chamber Business After Hours
Ribbon Cutting: Night Train PizzaTuesdays with MorrieChristmas in July & Cornhole TournamentRibbon Cutting:  The Nelson ParkRibbon Cutting: Phoenix Roofing SystemsArtWalk in Downtown JasperPickens GOP Tomato Sandwich PicnicRibbon Cutting: Georgia Chiropractic & MassageOpen House Pickens County SchoolsJasper Downtown LiveStoryteller, Songwriter & Singer - Mo Pitney