Nominees Wanted For Pickens Citizen of the Year

Nominations accepted until Friday, December 6, 2024 at 12:00 pm.

Nominees Wanted For Pickens Citizen of the Year

[ November 07, 2024 ] The Pickens County Chamber of Commerce proudly presents its annual Citizen of the Year Award to recognize a community member who has demonstrated exceptional leadership and outstanding performance in various areas of community service over many years, contributing significantly to the overall benefit of the community.

The award is sponsored by ETC Communications & ETC Security and will be presented at the Chamber Awards Celebration in January 2025.

Nominees do not need to be members of the Chamber or the business community. Please note that no awards will be given posthumously. All nominations will be kept confidential.

The Chamber will accept completed nominations from both members and the general public until Friday, December 6, 2024, at 12:00 p.m.

☆ Candidate has a minimum of three years of continued service, volunteerism, and philanthropic dedication that enhances the quality of life in Pickens County.
☆ Candidate is a current resident and has lived in Pickens County for a minimum of five years.
☆ Candidate has exceptional ethical qualities and strives to improve and preserve the community.
☆ No anonymous or self-nominations are accepted.

☆ The Chamber will accept nominations by mail, email, or hand delivery to our office at 500 Veterans Memorial Blvd. until 12:00 p.m. on Friday,
December 6, 2024.
☆ A committee will review nominations to ensure all meet the required criteria.
☆ Nominations will be sent to an out-of-town judge for selection to ensure the winner is chosen based upon merit.
☆ Award will be presented during the Annual Chamber Awards Celebration in 2025.

If you would like to nominate a potential candidate, please follow the link below for the nomination form.



2024 Mr. John Sneve
2023: Ms. Gina Pendley
2022: Ms. Lorrie L Shaw
2021: Ms. Margy Lohman
2020: Mr. Phillip M. Landrun III, Esq.
2019: Sheriff Donnie Craig
2018: Dr. Robert D. Keller Ph.D.
2017: Ms. Nancy Unzicker
2016: Mr. Thomas Harrison
2015: Judge Brenda Weaver
2014: Mr. Jeff Downing
2013: Ms. Ruth Wall
2012: Ms. Amelia McIntyre
2011: Mr. Stan Barnett
2010: Mr. Doug Brooks
2008/09: Ms. Maxine Moore
2007: Ms. Regina Camp
2004: Mr. Mark Whitfield
2003: Ms. Martha Edge Pool
2002: Rev. Charles O. Walker
2001: Mr. Don Russell
2000: Mr. Hugh Tatum
1999: Dr. Guerrant H. Perrow, M.D

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